Office Address

459 North Main Street
Port Chester, NY 10573

Phone Number

(914) 848-1225

Email Address

Passport Photos

Travel with confidence! Get perfectly sized, professional-quality, compliant photos taken by a trained associate near you.

Why Wise Solution Services?

  • U.S. Passport/ID/Visa photos ready in minutes and includes a FREE optional digital copy sent to your email.
  • Passport photo available on USB drive for an additional fee.
  • Printed and analyzed using advanced tools to ensure compliance with U.S. government and international regulations for size, background, head position and placement.
  • Perfect for students, employees, gym members, and travelers applying for a passport book or ID card.

We can also take photos for most other photo identification cards

Traveling abroad? Need to renew your passport? Wise Solution Service can make your preparations more convenient.